Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Project 2: Artist Statement

I have been a tea drinker for a while now. It started back during my senior year of high school; I have several teas that "taste" like a chilly day of 2012. My tea love followed me into college and my mum recently bought me a tea pot that was a "tea for one" pot where everything was boiled and steeped in the same pot and the bottom of the pot was also a tea cup. This, along with my many other tea pots at my house (I seriously have 3 and I live alone, haha), inspired this project.
I made the model for the casting by throwing it on the wheel in separate parts: the round body, the spout and the lid. Afterwards I made a little lid. However for the casting, I cut that pot in half.
I projected a 15 second stop motion animation of water boiling over a gas fire burner with the water turning into steam and then creating a small heart shape before evaporating.
I was surprised with how well it all turned out in the end considering I didn't have much time prior to critique to actually experiment with the projection. The distance between the casting and the wall created a shadow and a depth that was surprisingly nice.
I'm happier with the end result more so than I expected. I do enjoy stop motion animation, but I think the whole "steam" aspect was a bit overly ambitious and I was unaware of how difficult it would actually be.
I learned a lot about materials in stop motion during this project and I hope to put those skills to use as we continue this class!

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